A Merry Marathon of Christmas Cheer with the City of Huntsville!

Olivia Discon

Many of us Sam Houston students have heard the phrase “There is nothing to do in Huntsville”. Well, after this past Saturday, December 2, even the naysayers were left in awe of the sheer amount of holiday festivities hosted by the city.

Bright and early, LEAP students volunteered at Main Street’s Christmas Fair, ran by our very own, Jessica Cuevas. The event was bustling with activities at every corner, with the opportunity to get a head start on some holiday shopping, spend time with family, and most exciting to Texans, the rare chance to frolic in snow!

Santa Claus happened to make a surprise appearance this year, and to say the children were excited to share their Christmas lists with him was an understatement. For those who were not as thrilled, Madison Cawthon gave her best shot at trying to get children to smile for a quick photo-op with the man in red.

Just a few steps away, Huntsville’s Parks and Leisure Department hosted Winter in the Park at Rather Park. The children (ourselves included) were able to enjoy several craft making stations, bounce houses, and face-painting to the tune of some wonderful live holiday music. This was a project that fellow LEAP Ambassador Cinthia Villarreal worked on, and it was great to see her in action!

These community-centered events are a testament to the importance of togetherness. What was most enjoyable, in my experience, was the look of pure joy amongst the passerby. The event allowed for families to have fun and reinvigorate their sense of Christmas spirit, and through them, the volunteers felt the gratification of what it is to serve their community. Though these acts of volunteerism don’t lessen the chances of our stockings being filled with coal this year, we were happy to do it anyway. In my first jingle through the Huntsville holidays, I can joyfully declare that when it comes to celebrating Christmas, Huntsville’s definitely ‘sleighs’ it!

Author: mikeyawn

Mike Yawn teaches at Sam Houston State University. In the past few years, he has taught courses on Politics & Film, Public Policy, the Presidency, Media & Politics, Congress, Statistics, Research & Writing, Field Research, and Public Opinion. He has published academic papers in the Journal of Politics, Political Behavior, Social Security Quarterly, Film & History, American Politics Review, and contributed a chapter to the textbook Politics and Film. He also contributes columns, news analysis, and news stories to newspapers such as the Houston Chronicle, San Antonio Express News, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Stamford Advocate, Greenwich Time, Huron Daily Tribune, Laredo Morning Times, Beaumont Enterprise, Connecticut Post, and Midland Reporter Telegram. Yawn is also active in his local community, serving on the board of directors of the local YMCA and Friends of the Wynne. Previously, he served on the Huntsville's Promise and Stan Musial World Series Boards of Directors. In 2007-2008, Yawn was one of eight scholars across the nation named as a Carnegie Civic Engagement Scholar by the Carnegie Foundation.

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