ChatGPT: PACE gets the conversation going

The higher-education community is reacting to ChatGPT with a mixture of consternation, trepidation, excitement, and a lot of anxiety. Inasmuch as it is the wave of the future, however, higher education needs to react, which is why the Professional and Academic Center for Excellence (PACE), led by the capable hands of Dr. Kevin Randall and Tiffany Terry, hosted a panel on the topic.

The panel kicked off (through Zoom) with a discussion by Dr. Xing Liu, who discussed the nuts and bolts of ChatGPT–focusing on how the software works. Dr. Mitchell-Yellin discussed the recent change in the University’s policy on plagiarism, highlighting the fact that while the policy used to prohibit using “another’s work;” it now prohibits using “work other than your own.”

(Ed. note: Mitchell-Yellin wasn’t sure if the policy change had officially occurred yet, but it is in process of occurring).

Dr. Nardone and Dr. Primm, from English and Biological Sciences, respectively, discussed the dos and don’ts of writing assignments “in the age of AI.” One factor the professors stressed is that ChatGPT has limitations, specifically: the inability to speak in a distinct “voice” and limited abilities to distinguish facts from anti-factual claims.

Apart from these limitations, of course, there is also the concern that students may become overly dependent on these technologies and become even weaker writers.

Accordingly, Nardone encouraged professors to consider: (1) using required sources; (2) pushing students to develop “point of view;” (3) asking students to explain other process; (4) having students reflect on their unique course experiences; and (5) developing a “reverse research process” approach, where students begin with a conclusion and have to reverse engineer the support and references for the conclusion.

Dr. Randall then highlighted some services and support (courtesy of Erin Owens) offered by the Library…

…before turning it over to Dr. Strubberg and Dr. Bennett, who discussed preliminary research they have completed regarding student use of ChatGPT and their (the students’) views of the ethics of ChatGPT use.

Dr. Ryan Zapalac anchored the panel, with a strong final presentation on the University structures and processes in place to consider the software and other matters of academic integrity.

The University, Zapalac noted, has recognized that academic integrity is an issue, and a committee has been in place since 2019 exploring these issues. Moreover, this committee is now a “standing committee,” and it is aware of ChatGPT and some of the challenges it will pose.

Because ChatGPT software is fluid and advancing rapidly, some proposed solutions to detecting or incorporating the software may be temporary. Accordingly, Zapalac encourages faculty to focus on the “motivation and writing process itself” and to refer to “Writing in the Disciplines.”

As noted by Zapalac, ChatGPT is less than a year old, and our speculations and current understandings may not hold up for long. Accordingly, Conversations with Administrators is currently planning a fall session that will continue this very conversation.

Many thanks to the PACE Center for bringing together talented people to start this conversation.

Pre-Law Society Meeting: Voir Dire

Last month’s Pre-Law Society meeting was a natural segue to the topic for this month’s Pre-Law Society meeting. Last month’s discussion featured three attorneys in a question-and-answer format focused on what to expect in law school and what life is like as an attorney.

This month’s meeting had multiple foci. First, the officers provided updates:

In the second part of the meeting, Jade Miller, Pre-Law Society President, Professor Mike Yawn, and Jean Loveall discussed a timeline to go to law school from freshman year to senior year of college.

Since Jade just completed her LSAT Prep, took the LSAT, and applied to her chosen law schools, she shared a wealth of information gleaned from her path to law school. With her personal story of LSAT Prep, Jade inspired the Pre-Law students with three strategies that worked for her: (1) take the Critical Thinking philosophy class (PHIL 2303); (2) budget your LSAT Prep time wisely; and (3) focus on developing and writing a strong argument when completing the Writing Sample part of the LSAT.

After hearing such encouraging words and valuable advice from the three presenters, the Pre-Law Society members were energized to engage in a voir dire activity. Voir dire is the process in which trial attorneys examine potential jurors before the jurors are selected to serve on the trial.

Amari Gallien presided over the voir dire as the Judge, Sephora Pham and Matthew May were the defense attorneys, and Professor Yawn was the prosecutor. As the potential jurors, each of the remaining Pre-Law Society members received a vignette of the character they would portray as a potential juror. These vignette characters ranged from a male country music singer/songwriter with a high school degree to a female accountant pregnant with her second child to a 72-year-old retired art history teacher. This activity introduced future attorneys to the nuanced questioning and strategies involved in selecting jurors for a criminal trial.

Thank you to all the Pre-Law Society members who participated in this interactive meeting. As president, Jade Miller has some exciting topics planned for next month’s meeting. One activity to look forward to is the cording of all Pre-Law Society members who are graduating in spring 2023. We hope to see all Pre-Law Society members on April 19th!